

See what clients are saying about their experience with Grace. 

Grace’s warm heart and caring persona creates a truly sacred space for profound healing.  I feel incredibly blessed to have met this special woman, she has brought so much brightness to my life!  She has helped me discover a stronger connection to my own intuition and has given me the confidence to pursue my life’s journey of healing other women who have suffered from sexual trauma and abuse.  I feel confident that her insights will create a transformational experience for anyone lucky enough to meet her! 

-- Lindy Ann, Santa Monica, CA

 She embraces all challenges that you may present and her commitment to assist with a clarity that is powerful, liberating and reassuringly rooted in purpose and compassion. Invisible blocks in a way that otherwise would have been much more daunting. I continue to learn and draw from the experience and look forward to connect.I’m grateful our work together coincided with a difficult time in my life as it allowed me to stay open, expand my awareness, and address formidable and staying with Grace for years to come.

-- Florence Wong, Title, Profession or Business, Austin, Texas

My name is Evelyne. I was born in France. Last year, I met Grace and thought she could help me. I worked with her every day for two weeks before I went to France on holiday. My father is a Holocaust survivor. My mother committed suicide. I was very angry at him because I held him responsible for my Mother's suicide. She hanged herself in the garage. With Grace's help, I cut the energy with my father and my mother. When I went to France with my sister and brother, I had to clean the basement and the garage (where my mother hanged herself), this was in the apartment where we had lived as a family. I felt nothing, so I knew that I had eliminated my past. It was fantastic to work with Grace! She helped me to confront the past and work on my transformation. I felt very happy to succeed.  I had the proof of my work with Grace because of my experience in France.

-- Evelyne Klarfeld, Santa Monica, CA 

I am proud to fully endorse Grace’s work as an Spiritual Healer.Coming from a literal and linear mentality of a young man, it was admittedly a reach to value planes of awareness beyond what society typically recognizes. However, I’m deeply grateful for her guidance in disbanding disruptive tensions in many of my most central relationships, dating back to early memories, spanning to present-day felt improvements in how I deal with others and my relationship with myself. 

-- Adam Mefford, Entrepreneur, Los Angeles, CA

I intuitively felt that Grace had something to offer me after attending one of her seminars. In the subsequent private sessions, I was able to gain a lot of clarity on a confluence of emotional energies that I knew needed to be addressed. Grace was able to help me identify the source of my feelings and help me clear the negative energy that I didn't want to hold on to.

-- Amir Nass, Los Angeles, CA

Thank you very much for the session we had two nights ago.  Over the past few months since we last saw each other, I had been falling lower and lower in different aspects of life.  Having been in increasingly straining financial times made me think that I couldn't visit with you:  how could I afford it? Embarrassed to admit the real reason why I hadn't returned, I am so grateful that you generously worked a way around it thus allowing me to have Monday's session. We have had a few other sessions and each has been unique in its own way, like the time when your energetic work could be felt in my body, or when we engage in dialogue more akin to two good friends connecting.  Monday you helped me travel to an inner place where I hadn't been before, and it was so special to be able to acknowledge the sadness from my childhood and for you to guide me towards letting go of it and the issues related to it.  While a lot more remains to be released, it was cathartic to let go of what I could at the moment.  You were tuned-in to what what going on inside of me and am thankful for your kind help.  You have a special gift and I look forward to more work together.  Blessings,

-- Jacqueline.Jacqueline Vargas, Los Angeles

Hi Grace, I just wanted to share the beautiful experience and say how blessed I feel by receiving your help, at the moment when we had the first session I was so confused and overwhelmed by all the situations that were happening to, I was struggling with past relationships from when I was a little girl to the present. I was amazed how easy it was to talk to you and you helped me to fully open up myself and realized what was holding me back to become the real person that i am, by talking and helping me through meditation I could see how blessed i am, having my spirit guides and angels by my side watching over me, supporting me and loving me unconditionally all this time now I know it was them that guided me to you. I was able to heal and bring out my inner child again.  Thank you ! I am very happy and grateful to be able to work with you, also thanks for checking up on me the days after the session..

-- EstefaniaEstefania Cruz, Santa Fe, New Mexico

In two hours, Grace accomplishes what years of psychotherapy could do, and she does it with such beauty and...well, grace.  She has the ability to gracefully drill down what is at the root of your issue or problem, and she clarifies it in such a way that you get clear understanding and awareness so that your mind and spirit are supported to move forward in healing and/or resolving of what is being addressed.  Her divine gifts of working with the spirit world "In two hours, Grace accomplishes what years of psychotherapy could do, and she does it with such beauty and...well, grace.  She has the ability to gracefully drill down what is at the root of your issue or problem, and she clarifies it in such a way that you get clear understanding and awareness so that your mind and spirit are supported to move forward in healing and/or resolving of what is being addressed.  Her divine gifts of working with the spirit world creates a magical experience while at the same time, offers you concrete information, tools, and guidance to continue your healing process and/or soul's growth and evolution.

-- Erin Galiger, Santa Fe, New Mexico