

Energetic Clearing Sessions  (for the Individual)

Focused individual consultations are conducted either in person or by Skype video chat. Combines discussion of life decisions such as career, family or finances with focused energy healing with the aim of helping you maintain connection to your highest self and manifest life's gifts. Sessions range from one to three hours, price available by request. 


Spiritual Coaching for Life and Career Goals  (for individuals and couples) 

Committed and focused engagement over a series of sessions at achieve goals which you specify. Together we target what you can achieve through clearing of limiting energies and belief patterns. Areas of improvement encompasses appreciating oneself, health and rejuvenation of libido, attracting others, relationship with your career, and working successfully within your environment. Periodic meetings support management towards goals and include savings in price as compared to individual sessions. 


Spiritual Healing for Health Challenges  (for individuals and close family) 

With great compassion and wisdom, we open an energetic channel connecting to your emotional body, allowing the release of the metaphysical causes of the illness. With Grace as a channel of Truth Light and Love the healing force of Oneness opens the possibility for the miracle of recovery.


Spiritual Advisor for Business  (for individual leaders and organizations) 

Drawing on Grace's 25 year career in corporate management, this offering fuses spiritual wisdom with business acumen. Aligning with a larger intention and being in a place of receiving assists business leaders in negotiations, sharpening their intuition and generating an opportunistic perspective. An ongoing engagement, this working relationship is best discussed in person. 



call: 310.770.2048

email:  Grace Whats My Purpose [at] gmail.com